New York, New York

This September we remember and honor New York, and celebrate those artists who paint New York or have that coveted association with New York.  New York is a city that is truly alive. Pete Tillack, Joseph Pagano, Jamie Barthel, Alexander Calder, Marion Herrman, Tom Wesselmann, Paul Jenkins and Siri Hollander are just some of our artists who can claim a connection to New York. From Time Square paintings to Hand-blown glass. New York has a very vast range of art forms, imagery and mediums.

The city of New York is indeed alive. It breathes, it bleeds, it yells, it screams and it demands to be taken seriously. New York is famous for its attitude. If you ever kick New York, she will kick you back, she does not care. This city can absolutely fight and does not lose. These artists embody that spirit and without a doubt these artists do New York Proud. If they didn’t, our Marketing Director, who lived in and loves New York, would have something to say about it.




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