Lenore Robins

Lenore Robins

Step into the colorful and captivating world of Lenore Robins, where art becomes a delightful puzzle waiting to be solved. With each stroke of her brush, Lenore unravels the mysteries of creativity, crafting designs that transcend the ordinary and beckon viewers into a realm of imagination


Her creations are not mere paintings; they are vibrant tapestries of acrylic wonders, brought to life with layers of rich texture and adorned with touches of gold and metal leaf. Lenore's sculptural wall art leaps from the canvas, inviting tactile exploration and evoking a sense of wonder.


But it doesn't stop there. Lenore's mastery extends beyond the visual realm, as she deftly applies polymer liquid glass resin to her pieces, a technique honed through years of dedication and expertise. The result? A glossy finish that adds depth and allure, defying the limitations of mere photography.


With a background in genetics and business, Lenore brings a unique perspective to her artistry. Her meticulous attention to detail and relentless pursuit of understanding echo in each meticulously crafted piece. 

For over two decades, she has infused her wooden canvases with energy and vitality, ensuring that no two creations are alike. So, while photographs may offer a glimpse into Lenore's world, the true magic lies in experiencing her art firsthand. Prepare to be dazzled, for the reality far surpasses the digital image.


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