Pete Tillack

Resilience (1/20)
Oil on canvas
30 x 52 x 1.50 in
Resilience: 1)The capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress. 2) An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

What you see has taken years to make its way to the goal, and when something has gotten in the way, the path may alters but you never lose focus.
The further out you put yourself, the more fragile the ground, but wisdom and resilience is a muscle that needs to be built just like any other parts of the body.
We all have the same 24hrs a day.
There is no balance, you will have to sacrifice some things in order to follow the road to find your wings and you don’t get put on a pedestal if you choose to squander those times
If you wish to find your fortune, you may have to throw away some comforts.



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